A Beginner’s Guide To Making Good Money With Freelancing, Brought To You By Osazee Kelvin King, The Born Internet Marketer(Updated For 2020)

WARNING: Ensure you read this carefully, if not for anything, but for the fact that I’ve personally generated over $20,000 as a freelancer in less than 2 years, and in here is how you too can do better than I did.

Good day guys, it’s an honor to be here, my name is Osazee Kelvin King, The Born Internet Marketer, for those who don’t know me yet.

Today I’ll be teaching us how to make a living online as freelancers.

I’ll title today’s training as:


A lot of us here already know that the only way to make legit money is to sell good stuffs, be it a product or service.

You have to sell something to make legit money, and the funny thing is, either you’re selling or you’re being sold, wouldn’t you rather sell?.

So today, we’re going to be focusing on acquiring profitable skills and how to sell them for money online, thereby putting fat money in our bank accounts.

The first thing to ask yourself before you decide to go into freelancing, is whether you’re skillful enough for people to want to use your services and gladly pay you for it.

If you’re skillful enough, congratulations, you’re already one step ahead, but if you are not, relax, there’s a whole lot of opportunities all around to help you acquire the skills you need right inside your living room.

Okay, this is getting interesting, before I continue I’ll like you to know that I personally make a living as a freelancer and I’ve taught thousands of people how to do the same.

If you want proofs you can check here, you’ll notice how I’ve made over N2,000,000 in the last one year with just one of my accounts.

That said, let’s now talk about what you can sell and how you can acquire the skills if you don’t have them already…


You can sell the following skills online for money:

  • Writing
  • Graphics Design
  • Website Design
  • App Development
  • Email Marketing Services
  • Traffic Generation
  • Social Media Marketing and Management
  • Voice Over
  • Video Editing
  • Video Testimonials
  • Video Animation
  • Translation
  • Transcription
  • Music Production
  • And so much more.
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If you have any of the above skills, congratulations once again, you can get started after this training, keep reading… ????


The major problem facing people who want to start making money as freelancers is the issue of where to learn the aforementioned skills.


Not anymore, you can learn these skills online and start making money right away.

If you’re very smart, you can find your way around online, you can do your research with Google and YouTube.

You can take tutorials and master any of the aforementioned skills.

But this particular route will usually take a lot of your time and resources.

The best solution is to go for paid courses on either

You can get premium courses on these platforms starting from just $10.

However, there’s an ultimate solution that will blow your mind, you’ll be able to acquire all these skills in one place while paying almost nothing, here’s the solution [AT THE END OF THE TUTORIAL].

It’s optional by the way..

Now let’s assume you have any of these skills, it’s time to sell them for money.


You’ve acquired a skill like writing and or graphics design or perhaps WordPress design, bravo, congratulations, you’ve just joined the smart people who were once ahead of you, it’s now time to start making money like them.

There are several platforms out there where you can sell your skills for money, they’re:

Those are the top 5 freelancing platforms you can sell your skills and make good money.

The one I use and recommend is, I’ve made lots of dollars working on Fiverr selling just my writing and website design skills alone.

You too can get started right away, but there are certain things you should know..that’s for some other time.

But let me show you how to sell on Fiverr..


Step 1. Head to and create an account for yourself using just your email, pick a username and create your account, after that, check your email for a verification link.

NOTE: when picking a username I suggest you let the service you render be in the username for example you want to go into writing, your username can be, nickwriters, proseowriters, contentexpert, writerjames, graphicsmonster, kelvingdesigns, etc. You get the logic right? But username is limited to 15 characters.

Good, let’s move on..

Step 2. The second step after you’ve created an account on any of the freelancing platforms is to create a killer and professional profile.

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UPDATE: Gone Are The Days Of Using VPN On Fiverr, Now It’s Your Real Identity They Want, You Could Be Lucky To Get A Trusted Person Abroad To Open An Account For You.

Now, before you move on to sign up on Fiverr as a freelancer, you have to change your IP to US, and we use what is called VPN for that, with a VPN, you can change your IP to the location of most countries…

I recommend some VPN add-ons for your browsers, they’re:

  • Anonymox
  • Zenmate
  • Browsec(for Google Chrome)
  • Hola
  • And Opera inbuilt VPN.

The good thing is they’re FREE, so you have nothing to lose here.[However, I recommend a paid VPN, get VPN Unlimited Lifetime Here for a huge discount]

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s move on to making our accounts professional.

You have to browse through the profiles of your competitors on Fiverr and see what they’re doing, then try to craft a better profile description(don’t copy)

TIP: Use a foreign person’s picture for your profile, you can go to to get free pictures.

TIP 2: Most people think a female picture sells more for obvious reasons, you can try that too.

UPDATE: Gone Are The Days Of Using VPN On Fiverr, Now It’s Your Real Identity They Want, You Could Be Lucky To Get A Trusted Person Abroad To Open An Account For You.

CONGRATULATIONS on reaching this far, you’re near the finish line, let’s keep moving freelancers.

Step 3. After setting up your account and making your profile look professional, it’s time to put up your services, on Fiverr, services are called gigs…

For example, a writing gig could be… I Will Write Original 500 Words Article

Or a WordPress gig could be… I Will Create Responsive WordPress Websites Or Blogs

Mind you, Fiverr is beyond $5, depending on your skills, you can make up to $1,000 per sale if you’re a website designer or an app developer.

With that said, let’s set up our gigs (services)

I’m not going to go into too much detail here, it needs a more practical step by step guide, and you learn much by doing it yourself.

TIP: One of the ways I set up my gigs is to spy on my competitors and beat them to dust by doing more than them in terms of titles, descriptions, images, tags, and special offers.

All you do is to simply browse the top sellers in the line of services you want to offer, see what they are doing well already and model after them.

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There you have it, by now you should have your first gig set up, however, you need to verify your phone number before your gig goes live.. If you’re outside US, don’t stress yourself, simply use your phone number to verify your account.

How sweet and cool was that?

Step 4. You’ll notice I said a lot of things with this freelancing business needs a practical step by step guide, but I guess you can work with the information I’ve dropped.

Okay, now that your account is up, it’s time to start selling, it’s time to start packing the money, but there’s one more thing you need to do.

And that is to look for someone to buy your gig and give yourself that first one or two reviews, it makes your gig look active and serious (nobody wants to be the first to enter a ship except the captain, and that’s you, so buy reviews for your gig(s).

There are lots of groups you can get people to do this on Facebook.

Once that’s done, and hopefully your account is tightly set up, it’s time to expect sales.

Congratulations, you just learned how to acquire skills and sell them for money… Great job, that brings us to our last step.


Step 5: You should probably start getting inquiries and sales by now, awesome, give me a handshake, however, to give your account the juice it needs to fly, you should deliver quickly and over deliver. This will enable you to build up your account quickly.

The more you deliver good jobs, the more sales and positive reviews you get which affects the overall success of your account.

What if you’re not getting sales?

Start promotions, use the buyers request section, stay online often, promote your gigs on social media to the people who need your services.

I normally promote to targeted Facebook groups, use Google Plus and Twitter etc..

All these should bring you more sales.

Keep delivering good jobs, keep getting more orders, keep learning and doing and in no distant time, you should have a solid business for yourself.

CONGRATULATIONS, you’ve completed your freelancing 101 tutorials.
You CAN go ahead and put this into use, but it’s not going to be easy for you, so I’m offering you an easy way out.

SPECIAL OFFER: Here’s an opportunity for you to become a high earning freelancer that generates thousands of raw dollars per month.

The Freelancer Money Pot is all you need to become a successful freelancer.

Initially, it’s sold for 25,000, but I have a special offer for you.

See The Offer=> Click Here

I strongly recommend you take this offer, you can’t see this anywhere.

Go all out, put in your best in your freelancing business.



Feel free to connect with me for all your online business solutions.


Osazee Kelvin King, The Born Internet Marketer.


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