How To Put Push Notification On Your Blogger Blog

Hello welcome to this wonderful blog. Today I want to teach you how to put what we call push notification on your blogger blog first of all Push Notification will help your audience to always get back to your blog once you update it and they will  get your latest updates  inside their email once you setup this push notification in your blog.

How To Put Push Notification On Your Blogger blog

Are you asking

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  2. How To Add Push Notifications In Blogger With Push Engage ?
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  6. How to Add Push Notifications For Your Blogspot Blogs For Free In 2017?
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  8. How to Add Web Push Notification to Blogger/Blogspot Blog ?
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Before it was only for wordpress and other advanced blog but due to advancement in technology. everyday things changes, now blogger publishers can also have this feature. I will list out ways on how to put push notification on your blogger blog you can do this by yourself.

Benefits of using one signal push notification

  • number 1, onesignal push notification is a free service platform
  • number 2, onesignal push notification does not need https or ssl
  • number 3, onesignal push notification gives detailed reporting
  • Number 4, onesignal push notification accept unlimited subscribers and notifications
  • Number 5, onesignal push notification serves as a marketing tool since it also have a marketing tool inside
  • Number 6, onesignal push notification onesignal push notification also deliver message across different platforms like windows ios android chrome firefox and so many other platforms (nearly all platforms)
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Guidelines on How To Put Push Notification On Your Blogger blog

Here are the steps on how to put push notification on your blogger blog

  1. one of this thing you need to do is to sign up at onesignal. Com
  2. after that click new app
  3. and then add your blog name then click on create now
  4. select website page and click on next to get started
  5. now select chrome and mozilla firefox from the browser option and click on next
  6. now enter your blog url and click on save
  7. choose website push and make it your target sdk
  8. the next thing to do is open your application doc in in another tap that place will help you to place your blog url
  9. once that is done you need to enter your onesignal ‘appid’ code
  10. copy that code and place it in your header section in your blogger templates that is an html code to see if this works through your blog personally subscribe to the push notification on chrome browser or firefox to see if it is activated
  11. finally to complete this process go into your own onesignal push notification dashboard and click done to complete the process.

so that was it on how to add one signal push notification to your blogger blog if you are a blogger blogger welcome on board as you can also enjoy the benefits of this one signal push notification on blogger if you don’t have wordpress platform due  to hosting and other factors

thank you and please drop your comment and share with your friends

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