To make money online in Nigeria, you have to sell something, be it a product or a service. In this post, I’ll show you exactly how to make money online in Nigeria

When it comes to making money online in Nigeria or anywhere in the world, one thing that amazes me most as a Netpreneur is how many people sees making money online in Nigeria as something else. It’s either they see it as a scam or they tag people making money online in Nigeria with the popular term “Yahoo Boys”.

It’s high time we cut that crap and see how people really make money online. In this article, I’ll reveal evergreen ways anybody can make good money online in Nigeria.

Before we begin, I want you to know that people spend money online, not ghost.

What I mean is that people pay for quality goods and services online.

What that means is, for you to make money online in Nigeria and anywhere, you need to either sell a product or render a service. Now that we’re clear on that, let’s look at ways to make good money in online in Nigeria.


How To Really Make Money Online In Nigeria?

I like going straight to the point, since you already know you need to sell a product or render a service to make money online in Nigeria, our focus now should be how to bring that to fruition.

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The following are the ways you can actualize your dream of making money online.


Buying And Selling

You can make money by buying and selling products online, popularly called mini importation, there are lots of goods you can import into the country and make good profits.

You can buy products from online platforms such as,,,,,, these are some of the top websites to source for products if you want to go into mini importation.

However, you should know that a lot of preparations has to be done before you delve into mini importation, you have to learn the products people are willing to spend money on, you have to learn how to ship it down to Nigeria cheaply.

You have to learn how to sell your imported products online, you can use Faceboook ads for that, finally, you have to look for good logistics to help you deliver your products across the country.

All these and more will be covered in a future post.


Affiliate Marketing

You can make money by selling other people’s products, most platforms now offer commissions to people who help them make sales, the popular ones in Nigeria are Jumia Affiliate, Konga Affiliate, Whogohost, Garanntor, Domain king, etc.

These platforms will pay you from 3-5% commissions per sale you bring to them, this now brings us to how you can make sales for them.

You can make sales by posting their products on your social media accounts, running a mini ecommerce website for jumia and konga, running a blog is also a very good way to make affiliate sales.


Make Money With Blogging

You can make good money online from blogging, for example, owned by the popular Linda Ikeji makes million of Naira every month, what she does is to entertain you and in return she gets paid for it.

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How do people make money from blogging you may ask?

It’s simple, don’t get it twisted, bloggers make money from their blogs by running advertisements for companies and individuals, in return they get paid for it.

Google Adsense is an opportunity for website owners to make money from their blogs by serving advertisements, once people come to a blog with Google Adsense adverts and clicks on any of such ads, the owner makes some money.

These and more ways people make money from their blogs.


You too can go into blogging, of course you need to learn some things in order to succeed, you don’t just go into blogging because people are making money from it.

You should take a professional course on that, you can learn online as well by making use of Youtube, but I recommend you take pro courses from platforms like Udemy, Lynda, Skillshare etc.



Freelancing is one of the best ways anybody can make good money online, I for example has made over $30,000 as a freelancer, I was able to do this because I have profitable skills.

Skills such as writing, graphics design, website design, video animation are really high in demand skills that can make you rich online, your focus should be how to learn any of these skills and how to sell it.

The good thing about freelancing is that you can sell your skills anywhere you’re in the world with little to no limitations, cool right?


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Selling Of Information Products Online

If you have a good knowledge in a particular area, chances are people will pay you to teach them, you can simply package your knowledge into a digital product like E-book, Video, or Audio and sell for money.

Sounds cool right? Yes of course, information marketing is very sweet, you do the work once and make money over and over again. Personally, I’ve made lots of money by selling great information products, few of such are The Writing Cash Code, Paypal Domination, and Freelancing Cash Code.

I also run an advanced master class for Fiverr freelancers to make more money online selling their skills.

Selling information is not as easy as you may think, a lot of planning and brainstorming is involved, people will not pay for crappy products, neither will they pay people who they don’t trust.


Buying And Selling Of E-currencies In Nigeria

You can also make good money from buying and selling ecurrencies such as Paypal, Payoneer, Bitcoin, Perfectmoney, Payza, Webmoney etc.

You can run a website for that purpose and grow your audience as time goes, companies such as NigeriaGold Exchange, Instantgold Nigeria, Naira4dollar, Mallamfordollar has been with us for long.

These companies make good money from buying and selling e-currencies, it’s all a matter of buying low and selling a bit higher.

You too can join them, however, you have to be very careful with this kind of business, you can experience a huge loss that will likely send you back to the village, so know what you’re going into first.

There you have it, these are some of the evergreen ways to make money online in Nigeria and anywhere you’re in the world, pick a particular niche and dedicate your life to it, it’ll surely pay huge.


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