Started that damn wordpress blog and needs to start getting organic traffic?
Then you are in the right place. One thing you need to take not of really is that
Starting a new blog is super-easy, but; growing the same, takes time.
I want to walk you through setting up your new wordpress blog seo right away and get it found by google.
You know how it feels to have your blog rank for as many keywords as possible, thereby bringing lots of targeted visitors also known as organic traffic.
When you are able to get this, in turn you get;
- More Affiliate Sales resulting in commission on autopilot
- Increase in Google Adsense revenue if you want to monetize with Adsense
- Product Sales [if you sell own products on your blog]
- Ad clicks [selling Ad space for advertisers]
- Lots More you can add here.
Getting your blog on google’s first page [among the Top 10] is something you can do gradually.
I would walk you through right on this Post and at the end you should start seeing your blog getting picked by Google and showing to it’s searchers.
This are the exact basic steps I use to get new blogs on the Almighty Google.
You can too, and that’s why you need to follow this tutorial.
How to SEO a New WordPress Blog Easily
Step 1: Install an SEO Plugin
This is one of the most important aspect of a brand new blog seo, you need to install an SEO plugin.
What this does is that, it helps you easily create things like your Site Title on Google Display, the URL it’s going to use, sitemaps etc..
As seen below:
So basically what an SEO plugin does for you is makes SEO configuration much easier. Instead of installing plugins one after the other, It serves as an All in One SEO solution.
So what you want to do right now is Click here Install the Yoast SEO Plugin It’s a free plugin from Yoast.
It will walk you through automatically in configuring SEO for your Site.
When done with above step follow next step below.
Step 2: Submit Blog to Google Webmasters
You want to get found on google? Then obey their rules, submit your blog to google webmaster.
It’s very simple to do this. Just go to and you should get started right away.
They will walk you through easily and fast.
If you face any difficulties, feel free to Read this Post on Submitting WordPress Blogs to Webmaster Tool.
This tool actually makes sure your site is up and running on google search.
Few things you can do with GWT [Google Webmaster Tool]
- Index your New Posts manually
- Check who is linking to you
- Check what keywords your site ranks for
- More features in the dashboard
You are almost done.
In the next step you are going to submit your Sitemap to Google. This will make sure your posts are indexed almost automatically.
Step 3: Submit Sitemap to Google
How to Submit WordPress Blog Sitemap to Google?
This is one easiest thing to do.
Since you installed yoast SEO already, you should head over to the XML sitemaps and click on it.
- See:How to move from Blogger to WordPress without Losing Search Engine Rankings
Your sitemap should look like this:
Copy it and go into the Google Webmasters Console.
- Go to the Sitemap section
- Add new Sitemap
- Paste the Sitemap url there
Don’t paste full URL, just the sitemap_index.xml
Finally, Click Submit.
That’s it.
You are almost done doing seo for your new wordpress blog.
If you want to start ranking on google for what people are searching for then the next very easy step is a must do.
Step 4: Find Your Keywords
This is one of the best ways to start getting lots of search engine traffic or traffic from google that matters.
Because people searching for a particular topic focused on your blog niche are targeted customers.
These are customers that would definitely
- Buy your products
- Optin your email list
- Share your Posts
- Add all goodies here…….
But Why would they do these things anyway?
Because they are interested in what you share.
So what’s the Big Deal?
If you want to start getting customers like this, then you need keyword research.
What it does is that: It lets you write contents on what people are currently searching for.
For Example:
If am a student in Nigeria, I may be looking for “Mathematics Past Questions”
and Hey:
If you are able to write an article targeting this keyword and rank on first page of Google then you are definitely going to get me as a customer.
- Also Read: 6 WordPress Plugins That Will Quickly Help Your Site Get More Traffic
- I may buy your Mathematics Past Question
- I may share it
- Lots More.
Now you know the importance of keywords research for your blog however doing keyword research is one so called hard thing.
Anyone can do it and get the best results possible. In fact it’s the easiest thing to do on blog.
And Look Here:
I’ve prepared an easy to understand keyword research and rankings Course for you.
You won’t believe it.
I call it the Keywords Ranking Beast and its helped lots of people rank their keywords on page #1 of Google.
As a beginner, you are definitely going to love it. You may check the keyword ranking beast course here.
If you feel it’s not something you need at the moment, it’s all good stuffs right away.
I hope using this post, you are able to configure SEO for your wordpress blog.
Huge Success Awaits You!