If you’re looking for how to start affiliate marketing in Nigeria, or the best affiliate platforms in Nigeria, this article will show you everything you need to know, so that you can position yourself to be able to generate between 100,000 – 500,000 Naira per month as an affiliate marketer.

how to start affiliate marketing in Nigeria, best affiliate platforms in Nigeria

Constant passive income seems to be the dream of every Nigerian using a smartphone these days.

There are countless ways one can make money online without being involved in fraud.

And there is no obvious way other than affiliate marketing.

Focusing on affiliate marketing as a Nigerian can open doors to great opportunities that are guaranteed to last a lifetime.

It’s safe to say that one of many ways to make money online, affiliate marketing comes up as the most lucrative.

No wonder research by Statista shows that spending on affiliate marketing will reach 8.2 billion in 2022

One of the most lucrative things you could do and start earning money online is affiliate marketing.

Based on a recent report by Statista, affiliate marketing spending in the United States alone will reach $8.2 billion by 2022.

That’s a whole lot invested into affiliate marketing.

Before starting as an affiliate marketer there are things you need to be acquitted with, before taking a step further in your newfound interest.

Keep reading this article if you are a newbie who wants to earn affiliate commissions in Nigeria. 


First Off, What’s Affiliate Marketing?

An affiliate simply means a partnership, pairing, or being attached to something.

In a more detailed explanation, affiliate marketing has to do with promoting other Business Products or Services. 

And if a sale is generated from your referral, you will be given a  percentage of the initial price of that product or service.

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Let’s prove these with a more human example.

Let’s assume you sign-up as an affiliate marketer For a company selling water bottles, now if you make any sale while promoting this product you will be given a particular sum from the Initial price of the water bottle.

If convincing people is your thing, affiliate marketing should be a great path to make money while in Nigeria.


How To Start Affiliate Marketing In Nigeria

Have in mind that, the process of starting affiliate marketing is the same all over the world.

The same way you can start affiliate marketing in Nigeria is the same way you can take part in it anywhere in the world.

So here is what you need to do to get started as an affiliate marketer:

✓ Decide On A Product To Promote

Choosing a product to promote is the most important thing to consider if you want to earn money as an affiliate marketer.

It determines how efficient you are in that industry, and how authoritative people see you in your preferred niche.

Let’s say if I love computers and I know a lot about computers, I will want to promote computer-based Products.

By doing that, it becomes easier to talk and convince people about what computer Products to buy.

And because of how much computer knowledge I have, people will see me as an expert in that field, and they will trust me to recommend good computer Products for them to buy.

Making me affiliate sales, since I will be recommending products I’m affiliated with.


✓ Own A Marketing Platform

You need sales to become a successful affiliate marketer, and there is no other way to achieve that than to choose a platform for marketing.

Since affiliate marketing is an online business, you will need an online-based platform to promote your affiliate programs.

It can be on social media or your website.

Preferably, the more platforms you are present in, the more chances you have in making affiliate sales.

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So being part of different social media and owning a blog is highly recommended for easily achieving results.


✓ A Marketing Strategy 

Creating a marketing plan isn’t all there is to affiliate marketing.

You need a strategy to create and promote contents that are related to your industry for easier reach or access for your audience.

There are different marketing strategies you can promote your affiliate products with.

It can be in the form of a video, text content, or audio files.

Your audience can be served this content as a means of providing answers to their burning desires.

Having decided on a product and a platform to promote your affiliate products, creating videos or written articles for the product will be a faster way to reach your audience.

You can upload these videos on YouTube or publish the articles on your blog for easy access for your potential customers. 


Where To Get Affiliate Products To Promote:

There are different platforms to get different products to promote and get paid, but in this article, we will be talking about an exceptional platform that has raised the bar when it comes to affiliate marketing.

It’s no secret that Sabimentors is a phenomenal platform where any affiliate marketer can get detailed digital marketing products to promote.

No doubt, Sabimentors is one of the best affiliate platforms in Nigeria, you can bank on that statement.

Sabimentors is a great affiliate platform where anyone makes money as a mentor or an affiliate to the website.

The product’s quality is top-notch due to the quality vetting the products undergo before they can be listed on the platform Marketplace.

The platform is owned by Osazee Kelvin King.

An individual who over the years, has drastically turned himself into a breathing cash machine by learning and implementing digital skills.

With Sabimentors, there are 3 different ways to make money


1. Leveraging on the website digital skills

At Sabimentors, there are different digital programs that you can enroll for, ranging from creating converting Facebook ads, E-commerce, Freelancing, Affiliate marketing, etc.

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The amazing thing is that the programs are both free and paid.


3. Become A Sabimentors Affiliate

The platform offers you the best affiliate program in the industry and here is why!

Sabimentors affiliate program is FREE!

And you can get paid up to a whopping 50% in commission per sale you generate.

SabiMentors Affiliate Program Earnings

SabiMentors has a 2-level commission structure.

This means when anyone you refer to Sabimentors ends up buying a course you get paid your commission.

And you even get paid if your referrals refers anybody that ends up buying a course too.


Sabimentors Affiliate Commission Structure Explained.

Sabimentors has a 2-level deep affiliate program, which means you get paid for your direct referrals purchase and also get paid when your referrals refers people that buys courses.


Level 1: 20% in commissions (Direct referrals)
Level 2: 10% in commissions (Indirect Referrals)
Lifetime Commissions: 10% per sale (Recurring)


Level 1: 40-50% in commissions (Direct referrals)
Level 2: 10% in commissions (Indirect Referrals)
Lifetime Commissions: 40% level 1 and 10% level 2 (Recurring)

So, go ahead, watch the video tutorials on this page, become an affiliate and start your promotions.

Once you have created an account and become a member of Sabimentors, you can easily apply to promote their courses and in return, you get paid.

You can find more information on their affiliate page.

To become a Sabimentors affiliate, click here



No doubt, affiliate marketing is a great way to create passive income for yourself.

But as exciting as it may be, achieving passive income goals isn’t easy, you will need to be patient and consistent to achieve something.

And for Sabimentors, the platform is all about helping you as a user reach your potential, by giving you top-notch courses created by top, skilled and verified experts.

So, if you’re ready for the awesome ride, get started today, it’s free.


Good luck

The SabiMentors Team



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