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Are you interested in knowing how to start affiliate marketing without money?

How to start affiliate marketing without money

If yes, then you’re in right spot. In this article you are to read to the end to find out  what is recommended by the Sabimentors affiliate marketing group on how to start affiliate without money

You can begin an affiliate marketing side business during your spare time using only your phone, your computer, and an internet connection. No money is needed.

In the article, we’ll go over 13 tried-and-true methods to promote affiliate marketing using zero investment.

How to start affiliate marketing without money: How does affiliate MARKETING Work?

Affiliate marketing is one type of marketing that needs four factors to make money.

  • A business that offers products and services.
  • Items to be sold.
  • Affiliate marketers.
  • Customers.

This is how affiliate marketing operates in a simple way.

  • Affiliates sign up for an affiliate program for a store or company program.
  • The affiliate marketer receives an exclusive link to products that are available for sale through the affiliate program of the company.
  • The affiliate then recommends the items for sale to potential buyers.
  • A potential buyer clicks on the affiliate marketer’s link , and then makes an order that is successful.
  • The affiliate company pays the marketer a percentage of the sales. Commission rate and percent are discussed during the process of signing up affiliates.

As you can see, affiliate marketing can be extremely simple and does not require much effort to begin.

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Do you need money to start AFFILIATE MARKETING?

I know a lot of friends are out there wondering on how to start affiliate without money. You don’t require cash to start affiliate marketing. It’s not that difficult except access to the Internet and an internet-connected device.

“It requires money to make money” This is generally true in all circumstances, but not when it comes to these strategies for affiliate marketing without any cash.

The cost of your affiliate marketing campaigns is something that you can begin to do when you have started earning commissions to grow your business. It is however an opportunity that you can begin with a minimum of money.

The only thing you need to do is be a successful affiliate A MARKETER

There’s one thing and only one thing that you must master to become an affiliate marketer who is successful… And, no it’s not money.

It is the only requirement to succeed as an affiliate marketer. It’s not just any traffic. You require specific traffic to your affiliate’s offers to bring in sales and commissions.

How do you accomplish this? What can you do to get started with nothing but no money and no website?

Grab your hats, my dear buddy. We’re about to discuss 13 different methods to start affiliate marketing that doesn’t cost a cent! We also have information on how to start immediately after your reading.

HOW to get targeted traffic

There are two primary ways to get targeted visitors to your affiliate offers : organic and paid.

Paid traffic refers to traffic that is paid for by advertisements and sponsored content.

Organic traffic is traffic that is free which is generated through the promotion of your affiliate’s products according to the methods we’ve laid out in the article.

Organic traffic can take longer than paid advertising, however, it’s definitely worth the effort. It is possible to increase the number of people who visit your site organically by using a variety of websites and forums that we’ll discuss in this article.

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How to start affiliating marketing with no money, 13 METHODS (COMPLETE Guide)

Who knew there were numerous ways to begin affiliate marketing without money or a website? We did. Let’s begin.


There are certain steps you’ll need to take before you can make affiliate marketing successful.

  • Choose Your Niche
  • Join Affiliate Programs to earn commissions
  • Find your links and get started advertising!

It’s easier, to begin with, an area that you already have plenty of experience, a passion for, or have much about.

It’ll be much easier to write quality content and receive clicks from your links if you’re well-informed about the subject.

After signing up for some affiliate programs, make sure to read the conditions and terms.

Certain affiliate programs will only permit certain types of promotions and can ban you from violating the guidelines. Therefore, it is best to be aware of the rules from the beginning.


YouTube has more than 2 billion subscribers! In addition, more than 42% of all internet users sign up to YouTube each month.

Additionally, it’s free to sign-up and it’s free to share your own video to help promote affiliate products.

It’s a literal gold mine.

How do I get involved in affiliate marketing on YOUTUBE

  • Create a channel for your area of expertise.
  • Film videos about your affiliate products. Here are some video-type suggestions:
  • Edit your videos without cost using your smartphone or laptop using the free videos editing programs.
  • Conduct a basic keyword search on YouTube for your product or video and incorporate those keywords into the description and title.
  • Upload your video, share it with each social media site Rinse, repeat.

If you’re struggling in the beginning of affiliate marketing for free you can start by using YouTube first. YouTube content can be utilized alongside these other methods to create a more effective free affiliate marketing.


Yes, Pinterest allows affiliate marketing. It’s also completely free!

Pinterest is a visual search engine through which users share, post, or keep “pins” about ideas and products.

There are more than 450 million Pinterest users and over 50 percent of U.S.-based Pinterest users actually shop on Pinterest. This means that Pinterest is an excellent platform to share affiliate hyperlinks!


  • Create a no-cost Pinterest for Business account
  • Make pin graphics to promote your business using a no-cost tool such as Canva
  • Alternatively, you can upload product image photos directly
  • Upload your pin, and then write an engaging title and description that are keyword-rich
  • Pin your pin and then repeat!

If you have created YouTube videos on your products you can make pins to promote your videos too.

Pinterest lets you upload videos, make Story Pins, and much more. Additionally, you can create multiple pins in bulk and schedule them using Pinterest’s native scheduling feature that lets you set your pinning to autopilot.

The primary use of SEO for Pinterest is as a method to put your posts visible to potential customers through the social media platform. You can increase your following by following other accounts, however followers aren’t a big deal on the platform.


3. How to do Affiliate Marketing with NO FEES on Facebook

Facebook is another fantastic option for affiliate marketing that doesn’t cost any cost.

There are many methods to conduct affiliate marketing through Facebook However, the most effective method of gaining traction is to create your own Facebook Group and Page.

It takes time to get noticed on Facebook but it is possible to be achieved with the right method. The most effective way to begin Affiliate marketing using Facebook is to set up your own Facebook page and Facebook group, and then link them up.

Growing a Facebook account and group organically boils down to choosing the right topic and then posting engaging, relevant and shareable material.

You can blog about affiliate products through blog posts about educational content, reviews and much more.

You could also upload your videos directly to Facebook to help get your affiliate links as well as products displayed to more users.

How to get started with affiliate marketing through FACEBOOK

  • Create a Facebook Page with a brand name
  • Create your own Facebook Group to grow a community that is centered around your area of expertise. Use keywords in the group’s name and description to make it easier for people to locate it.
  • Your Facebook Page can be boosted organically through sharing memes, blog posts that are long-form videos, etc.
  • Create videos and other content about your affiliate product, such as tutorials or reviews, case studies, and inform your followers about sales, for example.

4. How to do affiliate marketing on INSTAGRAM FOR FREE

Instagram is among the most well-known social media platforms around the globe with more than 1 billion daily active users.

This is a great platform to get people to your affiliate link for no cost.

Instagram is a social media platform which works with images, videos, hashtags, and photos.

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The more appealing and attractive the more appealing!

Instagram also comes with the TikTok-like Reels feature, which allows creators to upload short videos to their Instagram profiles.



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Affiliate marketing Instagram is a popular platform for affiliate marketing. Instagram is like other social media platforms. You can share images and videos, stories, and Reels and draw in potential customers by using hashtags strategically. Learn how to start.

  • Create an account for your business that is free. Instagram business account for your business.
  • Content ideas could include reviews of products or product reviews, product tutorials, benefits and drawbacks educational and much more.
  • Look up hashtags relevant to your field and the products you can use in your posts.
  • Upload videos, photos and reels of your product.
  • Include your affiliate link to your bio.
  • Better yet, you can use the free service to include several affiliate links in your bio.

If you already have YouTube or Pinterest accounts you can use them in conjunction with Instagram as well.

Pin your Instagram posts, and also create Instagram posts to promote your YouTube videos.

The more opportunities you have to place your link to be seen by potential customers, the greater your chance of success affiliate marketing. Making an interconnected web of social media profiles is the best method of doing it.


TikTok is everywhere in recent times, and not just among teens and Generation Z. TikTok use is increasing rapidly among Gen Xers, millennials, and even baby boomers.

It has more than 1 billion people active all over the world and is growing more quickly than another popular social networks. It’s early for TikTok and this is why it’s a great platform to start affiliate marketing.

TikTok recently introduced a no-cost Business user account that lets users post as a business account, receive video watch statistics and also post an image in the bio section of the account.


Effective affiliate marketing using TikTok requires creating videos and taking advantage of TikTok trends. It’s not as difficult as it appears! Here’s how you can get started.

  • Join for a free TikTok corporate account.
  • Include your affiliate link in your bio, or use a service for free such as to add several links within your bio.
  • Create videos that are related to your affiliate’s product, but without being overtly advertising or sales.
  • Create Tik Tok videos on trends to increase followers and increase the number of eyes at your affiliate hyperlinks.
  • When you reach the 1,000 mark, you are granted the ability to live stream. Live stream to engage your followers as well as promote the affiliate’s products.

You can reuse your TikTok videos to your Instagram reels as well as Pinterest videos as well, and vice versa.


You think LinkedIn is only for job seeker? Don’t be fooled!

LinkedIn can be a wonderful platform for affiliate marketing particularly if you’re in business-to-business, software business, or digital marketing areas.

It might not be the first place you consider when you are considering affiliate marketing, however with over 800 million users, this platform shouldn’t be ignored.

How to do Affiliate Marketing via LINKEDIN

LinkedIn really is an excellent platform that has a few options that make affiliate marketing simple. Here’s how to get started.

  • Create a LinkedIn profile and fill it out as far as is possible.
  • Send connection requests out to businesses or individuals within the field of the products you are promoting.
  • Blog posts on LinkedIn regarding your affiliate products.
  • You can also publish status updates, much like Facebook.

There are other methods to advertise affiliate products on LinkedIn including joining LinkedIn groups or setting up LinkedIn business pages, creating a LinkedIn Business page, and much more.


Medium is a fantastic user-generated content platform where you could make a niche blog without having to develop an actual website.

You can make reviews on behalf of affiliates on Medium for no cost and earn money for them.

Additionally, Medium does allow affiliate hyperlinks in blog content, as in the sense that they don’t appear unprofessional.


  • Sign up for an account with Medium.
  • Write blog posts about your affiliate products that inform or inform and encourage.
  • Make sure you add an affiliate in your affiliate post.
  • Be careful not to be overly promotional Don’t add too many links , and don’t try to make every post a marketing post.

Medium is a very well-known publisher that ranks extremely well with search engines. To get the most effective results from Affiliate marketing with Medium make sure you perform keyword research and SEO.

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Reddit is a well-known website which is in essence a massive collection of forums that cover all kinds of niches.

Reddit is a platform where users can ask and answer questions and write stories in short form as well as share pictures and post all sorts of information.

It’s also an excellent location for affiliate marketing once you know how to utilize it.

How to do affiliate marketing on Reddit

Reddit does not permit directly affiliate marketing companies to publish direct links. You must first establish yourself as a Redditor before advertising, but it’s possible. Here’s how to begin.

  • Create an account on Reddit. Reddit profile.
  • Join subreddits within your field and begin to engage by posting threads, posts or replies to comments. upvoting and de-voting, etc.
  • Gain Karma.

After you have become a valuable participant on the platform, you’re now able to start contemplating how to promote affiliate links. This is how you can do it.

  • When you write posts that promote affiliate links make sure to structure the post so that it’s as efficient as you can.
  • Always cover your links with a cloak or send readers to another source such as your affiliate YouTube videos on product reviews.
  • Be positive and entertaining.

The REDDIT Marketing Case Study

9. START Affiliate Marketing on TWITTER

It is important to remember Twitter when we think of social networks to begin affiliate marketing for free. Twitter was founded in 2006 and is currently home to more than three hundred million people.

Marketing on affiliates via Twitter is different because of the limit of characters (280) for each tweet.


  • Create an Twitter profile with a bio and photo of your profile.
  • Engage with other users on Twitter to gain followers by following, re-tweeting and responding to tweets.
  • Post tweets about relevant topics within your field with hashtags so that they can be discovered by other Twitter users.
  • Make use of Twitter to share the latest Youtube videos and Medium articles and LinkedIn posts on affiliate products.

Although you can certainly advertise your affiliate products via Twitter, it’s better to make use of Twitter to increase your following and to direct people to your offerings elsewhere.


Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking platform for users to make blogs and profiles and publish audio, written content and video.

You can utilize Tumblr to build a free blog-style website for your area of expertise to market your affiliate products through videos, blog posts and much more.

How to do Affiliate Marketing on Tumblr

  • Create your own Tumblr profile
  • Create, curate, and distribute relevant content for niches.
  • Connect with other users within your area of expertise
  • Write blog posts about affiliate products, post with your YouTube videos and then promote the other profiles on your social media.


Quora is a discussion forum that allows users to post questions and answer forums where users can post questions and respond to questions.

Quora is an amazingly effective method of driving traffic as well! Affiliate links aren’t permitted on Quora however, there are many ways to promote affiliate products using Quora that don’t require direct linking.

How to do affiliate marketing on Quora

  • Create a Quora profile and then flesh it out with links to other profiles and posts.
  • Answer questions in your area with thoughtful written, precise, well-formatted, and well-formatted answers.
  • Include other useful information in your Quora answers, which may contain affiliate links such as those in your Medium or LinkedIn videos, articles on YouTube or YouTube videos, etc.

12. AFFILIATE marketing on WEB FORUMS

A forum is a type of question and answer website or community thread that is available in all sorts of niches. Simply Google “niche word” plus forum to look up what you can find!

Forums are a fantastic platform to promote affiliate products as people are usually looking at solutions for their issues.

The steps for getting started advertising on forums is similar to Quora! But, some forums allow direct affiliate hyperlinks.

Create a list of forums within your field, review the rules, and then get going.

13. Utilising the FREE EMAIL Marketing Services FOR EMAIL Affiliate Marketing

Marketing via email is a fantastic method to begin affiliate marketing for free!

A lot of people don’t consider this as an option but there are a lot of email marketing tools on the market that allow users to start with no cost.

For instance, Mailchimp has the option of free service with up to 2,000 subscribers.

How to USE E-mail Marketing to begin affiliating Marketing with NO PENNY

  • Register for free mailing marketing.
  • Make a lead magnet that will entice users to sign up to your mailing list.
  • Include your freebie or lead magnet in the bio section of each social profile. Promote the freebie on all platforms: YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and so on.
  • Send newsletters to create an association with your readers assist them solve their issues and suggest the products of your partner to them.


After we’ve discussed the best methods to start affiliate marketing for free… where should you next?

To increase the effectiveness of your affiliate marketing and earn even more by establishing an affiliate site that is targeted to your niche is an excellent next step.

A niche site allows you to make any kind of content and market your content however you like and doesn’t cost much to begin. Learn how to create a niche website here.

How to start affiliate marketing without money: Final Thoughts

I hope that by now, you are aware of how to begin affiliate marketing without money this are the best technique made for from Sabimentors if you’ve seen as being helpful kindly sign up on the Sabimentors sign up page

Starting out in affiliate marketing doesn’t need cash, but it does require patience, time, and, most importantly, the sameness and consistency of traffic.

Don’t overstretch yourself by trying to accomplish all the things listed on this list. Instead, begin with one major item (like YouTube) and slowly move on to different methods that you’re familiar with and feel comfortable with.

If you are patient, practised, and persevering Your affiliate marketing business will grow right before your eyes.

This content is written on behalf of Sabimentors expert mentor by the boss and CEO Osazee Kelvin King go through to know more about what you have bothering about starting off affiliate marketing with zero cash in your pause.



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