You Are About To Discover The Top 6 Lucrative Online Businesses You Can Startup With Little Capital In Nigeria

If you plan to venture into entrepreneurship or any form of Online or Offline self-employed businesses, that’s good and here we are going to list the top 6 lucrative online business in Nigeria to start up with small or no capital.

The amazing fact is that most of these businesses I am going to show and reveal to you here are worth trying even if you don’t have huge capital.

I can easily boast that following statistics in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, a lot of lives in Nigeria have been transformed into real business Millionaires. You too can be transformed in 2018 and beyond.

Fastest Growing Online Businesses in Nigeria 2018

Here’s the long awaiting list of 20 most easy to start online businesses in Nigeria with little or no Capital for startup. The fact and fear of every business startup is the startup capital which we have manually researched and discovered businesses you can venture into to make a living in 2018.

CryptoCurrency Trading

A lot of people do not know the potential entails in investing in CryptoCurrency even as a starter. According to my recent post where I made detailed research on how to make money in Nigeria with Bitcoin, I discovered that a lot of ordinary Nigerians have become financially freed from poverty and can now take care of their families.

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Now in 2018 and beyond, it’s high time you invest much of your money and time in CryptoCurrencies and make good amount of money out of the coins. To find out more details about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin in general, see my recent post here.


A lot of people become mislead about freelancing. Freelancing is one of the businesses every mere man who wants to make money online without spending a dime can easily venture into and start making reasonable amount of money.

It all requires a simple skill that you can put it up there and start getting turns of orders to deliver your skill.

For example, am a graphic designer, a lot of people are looking for logo design, cartooning, Digital Marketing, Writing and Translation, etc. Put it up out there and see the success.


This is another lucrative business for business minded and passionate Nigerians. In 2017 alone, the population of Nigerian Bloggers increased from 35% to over 78%. With the data collected from fellow bloggers, at least everyone of them aims at making $50/day.

This isn’t a get rich quick business, is a business that has to do with Passion, Love, Consistency, Availability, Patience and the likes in order to earn a dime.

Affiliate Marketing

Friends who aren’t bloggers think that affiliate marketing is a business of the bloggers in the 21st century. But this is a big NO to everyone who thinks this way.

Affiliate marketing is a business of anyone who knows how to manage a specific email list or social media account. Recently I talked about how to make money with Konga Affiliate Program and the rest.

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This time around, I will recommend you read more about it. A colleague of mind uses my advice as a non-blogger and made over N50k with affiliate marketing.

If you are a known blogger, it’s as easy as getting an autoresponder email marketing or setting up a fan page and gather the audience. Then start to market products or service gotten from your affiliate site embedded with your affiliate link or offer.


Wow…. Guess why I exclaimed… I am scared to reveal this secretive business for you dear. This is a business for experts. Do you know you can easily start making money by opening a simple YouTube Channel? Start by posting videos about something you are good at.

For example; if you are a lady or even a guy and you know how to cook well, simply get a good smartphone if you don’t have a standalone camera and record simple videos on how to prepare particular recipes and I bet you lot of people are looking for that tutorial. How to make money with it? Make further research or let me hear it in the comment section.

Mini Importation Business

This is another amazing platform to get rich quicker in Nigeria. You can with small capital start investing in mini importation to make millions within time. This is one of the fastest growing businesses in Nigeria. But the bad news is that it requires little or minimal coaching to get started the perfect way. You can contact me for that.

If there’s any other lucrative business Idea you want me to assist you on do leave it in the comment box and we will attend to you ASAP.

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