Do You Want To Become A Blogger That Makes Money?
Do You Want To Know How To Make Money Online With Blogging just like other bloggers?

If yes, then this post was made just for you, happy reading.

You too can become a successful blogger and make a living online doing it, if you know what you’re doing, the earning possibilities are endless.

If you look around today, you’ll find a lot of successful bloggers, these bloggers have fought their way to the top where they can now make money while they sleep.

Don’t get it twisted, it was not easy, a lot of work and investment was done to achieve such feat.

In this article, I’ll show you how to become a paid blogger so you too can make money while sharing your passion with your audience.

Becoming A Blogger

Before you decide to become a blogger, you need to make solid plans, you don’t want to just dive in and fail woefully along the lines, hence the need for proper preparations.

First Things First

The first thing you need to do to become a successful blogger is to decide on the niche you want to target, ask yourself what you’re passionate about, what do you love doing most, what do you have more knowledge in, what do you feel comfortable teaching?

Ask yourself these questions, before starting out as a blogger.

You may ask the reason for doing this, I’ll tell you why, you don’t want to start a blog around a niche you have no interest in, or you don’t really love, if you do that, I must tell you, you just shot yourself on the foot, you’ll struggle to get far, if at all you get far.

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Alright, with that said, you’ve picked a blogging niche, and you’re comfortable with it, it’s time to decide on the blogging platform you want to use.

The Best Blogging Platform To Use

For me, I’ll like to talk about the two most popular blogging platforms, which are WordPress and Blogger.

If you’re just starting out, you can go with, the reason being that you won’t need to pay for anything, you get a free domain name like this “” and a free hosting.

However, I suggest you use a paid domain name from the get-go even if you’re using blogger.

The second option is the paid WordPress, where you would need to pay for everything, from domain name to hosting, you’ve got to be really ready before choosing this option.

You don’t want to start with some cheap and crappy hosting provider only to end up facing problems when your blog starts getting a good number of visitors.

So you decide on the blogging platform you want to go with, I actually started with blogger and most of us did same.

Now that you’ve chosen the best blogging platform, it’s time to start building your blog.

If you’re using blogger, just head to and sign up to get started, we’ll create a detailed step by step video on how to use blogger in the future.

On the other hand, if you decide to go with WordPress, which is the paid option, you’re gonna need to buy a hosting plan and a domain name, I recommend Hostgator or Bluehost for your hosting and Namecheap for your domain names.

You should buy a hosting package with everything unlimited, that is bandwidth and storage space, you don’t want to limit yourself from the get-go.

However, you can also go with a lower hosting plan and upgrade later, whichever option suits you.

Set up your blog and move unto the next step which is to give it a professional touch;


  • Use a nice logo, pay a professional
  • Use a catchy and memorable domain name
  • Make your blog mobile responsive and user-friendly
  • Your focus should be on the users of your blog, hence quality matters a lot.
  • If possible, start building an email list with your blog from the beginning.
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Creating Contents For Your Blog

So far so good, you’ve set up your blog, it’s time to generate contents, focus on high-quality contents, carry out keyword research, and optimize your contents for the search engines and your readers as well.

Getting Traffic To Your Blog

This topic is one of the most popular among bloggers, every blogger wants loads of traffic to his website, but most bloggers make it look difficult and complicate things, however, I’ll show you how to build your blog traffic.

How To Build Your Blog Traffic

The number one way to build your blog traffic is to create high-quality contents, contents that will get social shares and recommendations.

If you can get this out of the way, your blog will become popular in no distant time.

Talking about SEO, it starts with creating good contents that the search engines will love, SEO traffic is one of the best things that can ever happen to your blog, learn safe SEO practices.

With that said, the next method is to use social media, create your social media accounts specifically for your blog, promote your contents on social media, build your audience by creating engaging social media contents.

Another method is to build an email list, build a list of subscribers for your blog, the bigger your email list, the bigger the traffic you’ll be getting to your blog and the more control you’ll have over your traffic.

The last method is to use paid traffic, this is self-explanatory, you can buy traffic from Facebook, Google Adwords or other blogs.

All these and more will help you build your blog traffic, never neglect anyone.

How To Make Money As A Blogger

There are different ways you can make good money online as a blogger, but one thing I must tell you is that, don’t just create a blog this week and expect to be making money next week, except you have huge money to spend on traffic.

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If not, making good money as a blogger takes time and you need to work tirelessly for it.
Once your blog is all set up with quality contents, and you’ve built a considerable amount of traffic, let’s say 500 visits per day, you can start monetizing your blog traffic.

How To Monetize Your Blog

Google Adsense

You can make money by using Google Adsense on your blog, Adsense is a program by Google to pay webmasters who display ads on their websites, companies pay Google to advertise for them, and Google pays you as well to advertise for the companies. You get the logic, right?

Sponsored Post

When you blog starts getting popular, you’ll be inquiries from people who would love to advertise their products and services through your blog.

Here’s an example, let’s assume you blog about relationships, a client can contact you to place a sponsored post on your blog to help promote his new products on relationship.

In so doing, the client is trying to take advantage of your blog’s audience, this is highly effective because it is targeted traffic, the client will make money and you too will make money as a blogger, sweet right?

Affiliate Marketing

You can also make money as a blogger with affiliate marketing, where you promote other people’s products and services on your blog.

You’ll get commissions for every sale your link generates, that’s pretty the basic, affiliate marketing another topic entirely, but you get my point.

Paid Advertisement

You can also make money with your blog by running adverts for people, you can put their banners on your blog and for a certain period of time depending on your agreement.

There’s a good WordPress plugin for running paid advertisements on your blog, here’s one of the plugins we love, click here.

So far so good, we’ve come a long way, and you now know how to make money as a blogger, implement the knowledge you gained here and I assure you of positive results.

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Do not hesitate to share this post for your friends to see, stay blessed.


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