6 WordPress Plugins That Will Quickly Help Your Site Get More Traffic

6 WordPress Plugins That Will Quickly Help Your Site Get More Traffic

Hey netpreneur, thank you for your interest in improving your websites to get more traffic and huge real page views. Today I will show you the 6 WordPress Plugins That Will Quickly Help Your Site Get More Traffic.

6 WordPress Plugins That Will Quickly Help Your Site Get More Traffic

  1. Sharebar plugin for wordpress
  2. SumoMe Popups and Headers plugin for wordpress
  3. All in One SEO Pack plugin for wordpress
  4. Scribe plugin for wordpress
  5. Facebook Comments plugin for wordpress
  6. Websitez Mobile Optimization

1.  Sharebar plugin for wordpress

Wherther you call it sharebar or share botton, this is a wordpress social plugins that helps you and your audience share your contents on social media like facebook, twitter, instagram and so on. It is very easy to install on wordpress which I will show yow you in my next article how to install sharebuttton on wordpress. This will pull lots of traffic to your websites but not only that it will also help in increasing your google search ranking if it goes viral.

You don’t have to install all the sharing button on your websitees to get started, to me if you ak it gets bored sometimes and looks as if your looking for something. Two or three is ok.

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2. SumoMe Popups and Headers plugin for wordpress

Number 2 is the SumoMe Popups and Headers plugin for wordpress this sumoMe plugin will always help you go far as its offers free and paid plugin with this offer this summer park is a park that helps you track your traffic and know where your audience is coming from. this program has an opt in option bar that helps you with pop up message for audience to subscribe it also has his sharing option for sharing of your post together with content and analytic tools.

3. All in One SEO Pack plugin for wordpress

The  all in one seo park this is another wordpress plugin that will help your site really go far in terms of search engine ranking through optimization it makes you clearly see and determine what you’re doing and ensure that you are working on the right thing at the right time thanks to the developer of this softwar. It has a red  icon which shows you that you have to improve also have the green button which shows you it is good and you are good to go it helps you avoid duplicate content also so if you’re thinking about the proven way to optimize your website with wordpress you have to go for the all in one seo pack. Some are free while some are paid. Google for the free ones if you don’t have money to get the premium version

4. Scribe plugin for wordpress

41 he is scribes plugin option for wordpress this is a good marketing tool that helps you rank high in the marketing field this keyboard comes with keyword suggestion that helps you in your marketing and makes you rank high on search engine fish recommended for wordpress users david won his

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5. Websitez Mobile Optimization

website mobile optimisation is number 5, this is a system whereby you have to optimize your website and make it show on mobile responsively I mean mobile friendly, and being compatible with all devices. since greater percentage of people view your site using their smartphone android phone and tablets compare to pc users.

optimise your website in such a way that it has a good view on mobile for those using phones research has made it known that 80% of people view your website or any other website in the world are making use of their smartphone so the appearance of your website really matters to your audience so get a plugin that will help you optimise your site to be mobile friendly if you can’t do it then you can hire somebody ,maybe website programmer to do that for you.

6. Facebook Comments plugin for wordpress

another one we have is facebook comments plugin. what is facebook comments plugin?  this is a plugin for wordpress users as well as blogger by using blogger.com or wordpress it helps your audience to comment on your website from your facebook instead of going to your site directly sometimes they come to your site and they cannot comment using your comment box.  They can use the facebook comments button and comment on your website which makes it very easy for them and with this you have more audience who comments on your website the comment box really helps in ranking of your site.

Those are the 6 wordpress plugins that will help you to make more money on your website if you’ve not gotten this, netpreneur requires you to go get those plugins to your website and start living the laptop lifestyle today.

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