How To Move From Weebly To WordPress-A Step By Step Guide

Here is the practical guide from the desk of on how to move from Weebly to WordPress successfully. On this blog we have also provided an article for you guys on blogger who wants to move to WordPress; that is looking for how to move from Blogger to WordPress without Losing search engine Rankings. But today basically, how to move from Weebly to WordPress will be our focus. So get set as we begin.

How to move from Weebly to WordPress

  1. Basic Requirements

you need two things for the basic requirements, and they are:

  • A domain name and
  • A web hosting account

WordPress platform is free, both domain and web hosting will be what you will need to purchase., I recommend Bluehost and good enough it is an official WordPress hosting provider.  They give users a free domain name and 60% plus discounts on web hosting.

  • After setting up your domain and hosting,
  • next is to install WordPress

now see below on how to move your Weebly content to WordPress.

  1. Export Content From Your Weebly Website

How to Export Content From Your Weebly Website

Before now, it was not easy for users to migrate from Weebly platform to WordPress due to the toughness to export data from Weebly. Now we have developed a free Weebly to WordPress Importer.

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This free online software helps you to imports your content from Weebly and converts it into a WordPress adaptable import format. By so doing no changes is done to your existing Weebly site, it is safe for use.

  • Go to- Weebly to WordPress Importer website
  • now enter your Weebly website URL.
  • provide your name, email address, and to select an export format
  • use the default WXR option format, (change it not unless you have issues with it as time goes on).
  • choose to include pages in your export file.
  • Click on ‘Yes’,
  • click on ‘Export my Weebly Website’ button.
  • Download your Weebly export file
  • right click on it and select ‘Save link as’ from the menu to download.
  1. Import Weebly Content into WordPress

How To Import Weebly Content Into WordPress

  • Login to your admin area and head over to Tools >> Import page.
  • scroll down to WordPress and then click on the >> ‘Install Now’ link.
  • Install WordPress importer
  • WordPress will fetch the importer plugin and install it on your website
  • click on >>‘Run Importer’ to launch it Once it is installed.
  • Run WordPress importer
  • click on >>‘Choose file’ button and pick the XML file you downloaded before.
  • click on >>‘Upload file and import’ button to continue
  • WordPress importer will automatically upload your export file and analyze it
  • ask you to assign authors.
  • Import authors and media attachments
  • To import an author from your Weebly website, create a new author, or assign all content to your existing WordPress user.
  • check the box next to ‘Download and import file attachments’ option.
  • click on the Submit button to run the importer
  • Upon completion, you will see a success message.
  • Successfully imported Weebly data into WordPress
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finally, you have successfully imported content from your Weebly blog to WordPress netpreneur. I hope you enjoyed it. Do you have any challenge or further assistance, we will love to hear from you and resolve your queries as soon as possible.


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