Beat Google Adsense And Still Make Good Money With Blogging


How To Beat Google Adsense And Still Make Good Money With Your Blog

Still struggling with making good money without Google Adsense? Worry no more

Almost every blogger depends greatly on Google Adsense as the number one means to make money with their blogs, but Google Adsense could be a pain in the ass and if you’re not smart enough, you’ll quit blogging for this singular reason.

However, if you really want to make good money online, you need to look beyond Google Adsense, and in today’s article, I’ll show you several other good ways to make good money with your blog and finally kick Google Adsense in the butt, sounds crazy right? Well, let’s get crazier.

Selling Your Own Products

As a blogger, you can make more than what Google Adsense will ever pay you if you create quality digital products.

Let’s say for instance you create a short 24 page e-book on how to dominate the search engines as a blogger and you price it for N5,000 or $15 for the international market as the case may be, and if your blog gets from 500-1,000 visitors per day, you would agree with me that you can make good money with this alone, what if you have several great digital products? You know what that means right?

This is the power of selling your own digital products as a blogger, you’ll find it easy to make sales because people see you as an authority in your niche, hence, they won’t hesitate to give you their money in exchange for what you know.

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Selling Your Skills

I’ll keep this very short, okay, you’ve set up a beautiful blog, and people love it, what if you open your service to the public on setting a professional blog like yours for them? You’ll agree with that you must get loyal clients right? Yes, people will pay you for your quality services.


If you want to acquire several skills and also learn how to make good money selling them, then I have something for you, click here to see it.

Affiliate Marketing

You can make good money selling other people’s products and services on your blog, let’s assume you’re a relationship blogger, you can simply go to Clickbank and look for awesome relationship products.

If you recommend a product, your blog users will trust your judgment and make a purchase, the sale will be easy because you have a targeted audience of people who’re interested in building quality relationships already, kicking Adsense in the butt already? Let’s keep kicking.

Sponsored Posts

This is self-explanatory I presume, individuals and business owners can pay you to put their posts on your blog, you’ll make good money from doing this alone if your blog has a considerable amount of traffic.

If you can write very well, you can even charge to write the posts for your clients and make more money, I guess you’re smiling by now.

📢READ ALSO: How To Make Up To $500 Monthly With Google Admob


Running Paid Adverts

As time goes on and your blog becomes more popular, people will naturally become attracted to your blog and would want to run adverts on your blog.

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There are several plugins online you can use to manage ads, you can decide to offer Pay Per Click, Per Per View, Per Per Impression. You can use some plugins to rotate the ads which makes it possible for you to run multiple ads for different clients, sweet right?

This Plugin Is The Best To Offer Advertisements On Your Blog

WP PRO Advertising System - All In One Ad ManagerClick Here To Get It.

All these and more are better ways to make more money with your blog rather than relying on Google Adsense alone, they can kick your butt anytime at the slightest mistake, that’s suicidal for business you know, hence we had to kick them in the ass with this post first, smarter indeed.

Utilize the knowledge in this post to your advantage and take your blogging career to the next level.


This post is not intended in any way to discourage you from using Google Adsense on your blog, in fact, we recommend you start with, get to know their policies and abide by them.

We’re wishing you luck in your blogging career.

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